400 hours of mapping for Japan floods
By Tanya Kaval
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Heavy rain, flooding and landslides devastated Japan in July, compounded by the public health emergency of COVID-19. Long time OpenStreetMap Japan leader Taichi Furuhashi asked if Mapbox could assist with the mapping on 5 projects in the HOT Tasking Manager. We jumped at the chance.
The DATA RAVE team in Minsk activated to help and apply their mapping expertise for this humanitarian response. Over two weeks, 54 mappers spent a collective 400+ hours mapping over 65,000 buildings. All tasks have been fully mapped and only validation is left to complete; the team has taken up this work, too, already validating 127 tasks.
We’d love to help more — get in touch through the Community team if there’s humanitarian mapping to be done. And for everyone, this weekend is a chance to map and celebrate OpenStreetMap’s 16th Birthday. Mapbox will be getting together again to map TIGER ‘desert’ zip codes and Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the US, and contribute to MapRoulette’s racial justice campaigns and a HOT humanitarian mapping task. Gather your friends online and map your local community or around the world.
Maps feature data from Mapbox and OpenStreetMap and their data partners.