Hivemapper + Mapbox: Powering the secure 3D mapping experience

maps for developers
3 min readNov 13, 2018


By: John Dombzalski

Hivemapper is helping analysts and data visualization specialist automatically track changes around the world. The mapping platform blends 2D video and 3D mapping with computer vision to create visualization and analytics tools — for humans and machines alike — to alert users to changes both apparent to the human eye and as small as a 40-centimeter shift in terrain.

Hivemapper’s powerful cloud and on-premise tools transform existing video cameras into a source of data for autonomous mapping, allowing customers in government, drone delivery, disaster response, and real estate to answer crucial questions from their data.

Change Detection map of rebuilding in Journey’s End and Coffey Park after the devastating 2017 Tubbs Fire.

Their platform ingests 2D video from any source and converts it into a fresh and accurate 3D map, fusing it with available LiDAR or other location data. Then, to give the footage the context it needs, they make it easily accessible from a Mapbox basemap. Once on the 3D map, Hivemapper’s fully automated change detection capabilities track terrain, vegetation, and human-made objects so they can direct the user to modifications occurring in a target area. Instead of having analysts stare at video for hours upon hours, their change detection system alerts them to everything that happened since they last looked, allowing analysts to focus their time in that specific area.

Hivemapper recently added support for video from infrared cameras as well as standard video. This allows Hivemapper to be relevant to customers who need to capture video at all hours of the night, better detect road or building damage, perform search and rescue missions, and work with high altitude collections.

Infrared imagery displayed in the Hivemapper platform.

With customers spanning a variety of industries with varying security needs, it’s crucial for Hivemapper to provide a consistent experience for both cloud and on-premise solutions. For cloud customers, they use our suite of online tools including Mapbox GL JS, Search and Studio. For customers needing a more secure and offline environment, they use Mapbox Atlas. Mapbox Atlas has all the Mapbox tools customers are familiar with online, but offline and behind a customer’s own secure infrastructure.

Want to find out more? View Hivemapper’s tools and more on their website. If you’re building for an offline, on-premise solution reach out to our team to find out more about Mapbox Atlas.



mapping tools for developers + precise location data to change the way we explore the world