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No-code data visualization and analysis on closed networks

maps for developers
2 min readOct 3, 2019

By: Alex Ulsh

Today we’re announcing a private beta release of the Atlas Toolkit: Bundled offline versions of mapping and data visualization tools now included with Atlas. The initial private beta release includes Mapbox GL JS, Mapbox Studio, Mapbox.js, Mapbox GL Geocoder, and

With the Atlas Toolkit, you can start developing immediately after installing Atlas. You no longer need security team approval to manually transfer copies of Mapbox GL JS or from open to closed networks. All of the tools in the Atlas Toolkit are Atlas compatible with minimal or no extra configuration.

The Atlas Toolkit also enables no-code data visualization and analysis on closed networks. With Atlas and, anyone can drag and drop CSV, GeoJSON, or JSON data to create stunning visualizations featuring millions of points in just two clicks:

Analysts can use to run ad hoc analyses, managers can add maps to presentations and reports, and developers can build custom applications. With the Atlas Toolkit, you can create heatmaps, hexbins, lines, arcs, and 3D buildings with on closed networks or offline environments.

Want to add this map to a presentation or report? Export it as an image.

Need to use the API offline? The Atlas Toolkit supports bootstrapping custom applications in closed networks. Running npm install https://my-atlas-server/ works without any modifications.

Interested in Try it out now.

We’ll continue to expand the Atlas Toolkit with the top tools that enable builders and data analysts to create maps as easily offline as they can online. Let us know what you would like to see launch next in the Atlas Toolkit.

Interested in trying out the Atlas Toolkit? If you’re an existing Atlas customer, talk to your Technical Account Manager. If you’re not yet an Atlas customer, drop us a line and we’ll give you a free 30 day trial of Atlas with the Atlas Toolkit.

Written by Mapbox

mapping tools for developers + precise location data to change the way we explore the world

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